East Vandergrift Borough

The Planning and Community Engagement Process throughout 2023 focused on the municipality with an Action Plan for a three-year period. Community planning will determine where the Borough of East Vandergrift is going, and how it is going to get there and will measure success over time. It ensures the most effective use of the Borough’s limited resources by focusing the resources on key priorities. The Planning and Community Engagement process will feature an overall vision and mission, as well as discussions for Location and Demographics; Services; Facilities; Natural Resources and Parks, Community; and Council Operations. There will be four broad themes: Governance, Community Development, Environmental Stability, and Strengthening Community. The goals of the Planning and Community Engagement Process will address objectives that support the community’s values by developing an Action Plan for 2024-2026. Although a separate Borough entity and planning process, it will run concurrently with the success and accomplishments of the East Vandergrift Community Foundation which was established in 2022.
Potential Borough Mayor and Council Primary Goals may include:
  • Stabilize Long-term Finances
  • Ensure Equity in All Operations
  • Sustain Infrastructure and Facilities
  • Enhance Community Development
  • Expand Affordable Housing Options

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