East Vandergrift Borough Council Mid-Month Meeting
Agenda for Monday, September 18, 2023 at 6:30PM
Municipal Building
254 Kennedy Avenue ● East Vandergrift, PA 15629
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Approval of September 5, 2023, Meeting Minutes
Opening of Bids for Kiskiminetas Park & Boat Launch Project
Solicitor’s Report
Secretary’s Report
- Request from the Vandergrift Public Library for a donation
Committee Reports
- Sanitation
- Sanitation waiver request for 800 McKinley Avenue
- Health and Safety
- Social and Parks
- Finance
- Discussion regarding the provision of electronic devices for Council officers for Borough use
- Streets
- Approval of additional spending for work of replacing the Jackson Street stairs.
- Projects and Planning
- Approval of Resolution 4 of 2023 for a grant application towards security, lighting, and amenities at the Kiskiminetas Park
Mayor’s Report
Unfinished Business