East Vandergrift Borough Council Mid-Month Meeting
Agenda for Monday, August 21, 2023 at 6:30PM
Municipal Building
254 Kennedy Avenue ● East Vandergrift, PA 15629
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Approval of August 7, 2023, Meeting Minutes
Solicitor’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Committee Reports
- Sanitation
- Approve advertising for sanitation bids
- Health and Safety
- A-K IGC report of shared code enforcement informational meeting
- Social and Parks
- Finance
- Streets
- Approve purchase of Christmas lights
- Projects and Planning
- Approve advertising for engineering services bids
- Community Planning Meeting date moved to September 25, 2023
- Approve distribution of information to residents
- Discuss ribbon-cutting ceremony upon completion of solar panel installation
Unfinished Business