East Vandergrift Borough Council Mid-Month Meeting
Agenda for Monday, November 20, 2023 at 6:30PM
Municipal Building
254 Kennedy Avenue ● East Vandergrift, PA 15629
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Approval of November 6, 2023, Meeting Minutes
Solicitor’s Report
- Approve demolition application for 305 McKinley Avenue
- Adopt Resolution setting Sanitation fees
Secretary’s Report
- Committee descriptions/responsibilities updates
Committee Reports
- Sanitation
- Health and Safety
- Adopt policy for landlords that move tenants in without a permit for occupancy
- Social and Parks
- Finance
- Streets
- Approve handicap parking space application for Deborah Watt, 438 McKinley Avenue
- Projects and Planning
- Adopt Resolution authorizing a signatory for PennDOT permit for the Morning Sun Senior Lofts
- Approve added expenses for the Kiskiminetas Park Boat Launch Project
Mayor’s Report
A-K IGC Report
Unfinished Business